21 May 2007

Trouble and Debris available now!

That’s right kids, my long anticipated (at least by me) debut CD Trouble and Debris is finally available!


It's about &#@% time.

I don’t know about you, but I was sick of waiting.

But, alas, we needn't wait any longer.

So buy it for you, buy it for your family, buy it for your friends; put it in your car, on your computer, on your iPod, under your pillow, in strangers’ mail boxes….....the options are limitless.

To purchase the CD go here and click the PayPal link under the cover photo, and hopefully it all works out in the end.

08 May 2007

Give Me One Last Try

Keeping up with the recent trend, "Last Try" has been added to my music player at DaveCarducci.com and will be available as a free download for a limited time.

Though many of the songs on Trouble and Debris are spread out in time, "Last Try" is by far the oldest track on the record. This song was written in the summer of 2001 while I was attending Michigan State Univ. and had recently become band-less. I think it's a far cry from the stuff that I'm currently writing, but I think that it still stands up alright. Besides, that's really the point isn't it? If I were writing at 26/27 the same as I was at 21 I'd be pretty worried.

Though I didn't really realize it until I started writing this little bit here, perhaps the song is about the aforementioned experience......I didn't really write a lost love song to my old band did I?

I don't know.............maybe I did..........